- ALCHEMY OF HEALTH - a prelude to the book
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- ALCHEMY OF HEALTH - Notes on the concepts introduced on the cover
ALCHEMY OF HEALTH - Notes on the concepts introduced on the cover
Notes on the concepts introduced on the cover
* Apogee is a term in geographical science that astronomy refers to the farthest gravitational point of a celestial body — usually the moon, a planet, or a satellite orbiting its sun or other gravitating planet. For example, when the Earth is furthest from the Sun, it is in its Apichelium relative to it. This event occurs shortly after the days of the solstice, when from the point of view of the earth's inhabitants the sun is highest in the sky at noon. Then, we often say that "the Sun is at its Apogee," because we know that the moment has come when it will begin to descend over the horizon, signaling that "Summer is beginning to seek its Autumn."
For the purposes of our research we will use the term "Apogee" in the sense of the peak of personal life and creative forces, life achievements and the degree of realized aspirations. Literally, the term means "farthest from Earth." And in the sense of the Handbook - the state in which earthly and everyday worries would not obscure our consciousness, mood, dreams and successes, because we already have solutions to the problems and have enough air “to dive into the sea of trials”.
** Development of civilization. Today we apply the measurement of human life as a "high-tech assessment of socio-economic evolution and scientific and technological progress of nations", and fail to notice the fact that the qualitative measurement of earthly life was introduced before the emergence of human civilization.
The criteria of such an "ancient" measurement show that the indicators of mental, intellectual, technical and everyday development can be completely ignored in the presence of spiritual poverty, mental ignorance and heartlessness, ie. in an unbalanced social, cultural and political environment ruled by religious misery.
The Hermetic principle "What is above, this is below" suggests that the higher and richer the human Spirit is, the purer and more fertile his Soul is, but also the better and more refined his material manifestation. Conversely, the darker and more burdened a Soul is with the cares and sufferings caused by its unnaturally cultivated attachment to matter, the weaker and powerless its Spirit is in material realization.
For example, in ancient Egyptian mythology about the creation and management of life on Earth, based on the Hermetic doctrine and the principles of immortality, the quality of earthly life determines the quality of the afterlife. A key point in this teaching is the end of the soul's journey through the underworld, when Isis, the goddess of fertility and resurrection, weighs souls on a scale in the Hall of Two Truths. Her unit of weight is a feather from Maat - the winged goddess of truth, justice, balance and harmony. If the soul is heavier than the feather, it cannot pass into the Kingdom of Eternity and is brought back by its "weights". Some researchers conclude that the origins of this doctrine, which became the "religion of supremacy" in ancient Egypt between 4000 and 3500 BC, date back 50,000 years.
*** Talent - a commercial unit of weight in antiquity, valued at its equivalent in precious metal or currency. In the Bible, the term "talent" is used in three meanings - as a unit of weight, as a monetary unit and in terms of gifts, qualities, skills - ie. exchange unit for commercial, monetary and intellectual exchange.
**** Alchemy is the name of the ancient science of transforming ordinary elements into their higher manifestations. Alchemy is often mistaken for magic and the dark forces, but we due our achievements in medicine and all other areas of modern science thanks to the Alchemy’s Higher knowledge, which is leading world civilizations to prosperity since the very onset of humanity.
Its unfortunate popularity is born by the fact that the same these forces have always made incredible efforts to gain the "fruits of higher knowledge" using the fears of the ignorant human soul as a unit of exchange. In this struggle for supremacy, economic, social, political, religious and cultural crises arise, which are accompanied by incurable mass diseases and pandemics. At such moments, these are the ignorance and the fear that test the foundations of civilizations.
The higher mind would never allow itself to be dominated by lower passions and no matter if a civilization will fall down or completely destroy itself and disappear from the face of the Earth, the Higher knowledge is always coming back in order lo teach and lead the humans in their earthly being.